
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Admin year end Party 2009

My lucky draw prize no.55 body shop... smell fresh and hmmm.... very nice
Not a muslim to celebrate this relegious celebration but here it's not a real christmas celebration
Merely to get together at the end of the year, makan, have some game to get the prizes
I have to remind my self every minutes, anggap sebagai mempererat silaturahmi
Eventhough we're in one school but different2 roof, not able to see each other everyday

Makan time... lazy to wait for the long queue go for yummy delicious yellow roti jala n the curry... wow... the taste was superb!

We're the duck team... imitating the duck is our good job eh.... ?
The most important is they know what we're imitate and everybody had a good laugh!
Yey.... we did it

There you go again admin big boss... can't stop eh... making people laugh out laud.

The first game... "Tigerwood" (draw) no action, mouth close just draw....
lucky he can guest it right n fast! phew....I'm the first... 9 to go..
We got 2nd place 5.59min to complete 10 act/draw

The last game... to put the seaweed into the plate behind the white line, hand on the back!... we lost again... only one into the plate the rest... outside! including mine...sorry geng

Photo session before bye-bye for the day...c...get together that's the main purpose 
Admin staff - 5 from admission, 2 from pastoral, one from account and one from IT lab.
The rest having their good photo sessions....
Till next time guys...
Happy time together-gether... good makan...

Talking about food..
Fist i took roti jala then tahu bakar... the first tersedap tahu bakar I ever eat.
Then a bit of rice, sayur campur.. i like broccoli, 2 slices of fish... hmm.. yummy
Oh before that i took ice kacang... wow... just nice... cukup rasa... the stuff were all fresh
Last was a must... char kueh teow....

First time the team that i joined didn't win anything!
The winning is seating, eating and playing together
All faces look 10years younger, that's what count... :))

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